Hamilton Mountain
Hamilton Downtown
Stoney Creek
Sciatica is more than just back pain, it also causes pain, numbness and weakness in the buttock and the back of the leg as the inflammation affects the sciatic nerve. This nerve originates in the lower pelvis region and traverses down the entire leg, radiating out to the toes. Sciatica and back pain related to […]
Do you find your knees or hips hurting after sitting for too long? Has bending or squatting become difficult or even painful? This is a common complaint of people with knee or hip osteoarthritis. Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that 1 out of every 2 people will have symptoms […]
Have you ever experienced aching pain in the back / buttock area that radiates down your leg? You may have sciatica. Sciatica is a common condition that affects up to 1 out of 10 people, typically between ages 25-45. Symptoms Sciatica is typically felt as a dull aching pain to the low back / buttock […]
If you are like the one in four American adults who suffer from arthritis symptoms, you are looking for options for managing the day-to-day aches and pains and often debilitating loss of mobility. Fortunately, there are many things you can do that, when combined with physical therapy, can improve your strength, increase your flexibility and […]
If there’s one thing that you can count on an OBTS physical therapist introducing into every session, it’s stretching. Yes, building strength and endurance are important. But whether you’re an athlete, or someone coping with the aches and pains of aging, increasing your flexibility through stretching is crucial. Read on to learn more about some […]
Too many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to staying fit. We’re too “slammed” at work for the gym, or our kids’ activities are keeping us in the car — and off the track — for long hours. Yet, there are a few basic elements you can add to your daily life […]
When you get right down to it, health doesn’t have anything to do with looking like a supermodel; it’s really about having a body whose every system is in good working order. The great news is that you have more control over everything happening in your body — from your circulation to your breathing and […]
Never push yourself past your own limit Remember, each one of us has a certain limit. Always judge your limits, instinctively on a scale of 1 to 10. For example, 1 is relaxing on a Saturday reading the newspaper. 5 is carrying groceries. 8 is carrying groceries and walking up the stairs at a fast […]