Archive for the ‘Lower Back’ Category

Top Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can result from various causes and significantly impact one’s quality of life. Understanding the causes of back pain is crucial for effective treatment and prevention. In this blog post, we will explore the top causes of back pain. Poor Posture Poor posture […]

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Lower Back Pain Treatment in Hamilton Ontario – Why See a Physio First?

Searching for lower back pain treatment in Hamilton Ontario? So many people in the Hamilton area suffer from lower back pain. As such, they do a Google search for something like lower back pain treatment in Hamilton Ontario. There are many options…which one is best? Why X-rays for Lower Back Pain Aren’t Usually Necessary Diagnostic […]

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lower back pain treatment in Hamilton Ontario

Top 3 Causes of Back Pain

Disc injury This can be a disc herniation, rupture, bulge, or simple irritation.  All of these diagnoses cause inflammation in the low back that can put pressure on other structures that lead to pain.  The most common of these areas are the spinal nerve roots or even the spinal cord. Most people get nervous or […]

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