
Boost Your Focus with Chiropractic Care

You’re about to start your workday… what’s the first thing you do?  Grab a cup of coffee, of course.  But you have a pain in your neck that won’t let you focus. What now?  How Chiro Care can help Boost Your Focus Without Stimulants  A Chiropractors main focus is on your spine and joints. As […]

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Shockwave Therapy 101

Are you a runner experiencing knee pain?  Is your heel pain limiting you to enjoy long walks?  Does your wrist/elbow pain give you discomfort in picking up or gripping things?  Do you have muscle stiffness or muscular pain which is bothering you while doing your favourite activities? If you have answered YES to any of […]

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To Kegel, or Not to Kegel? That is the question.

Oftentimes, it is misunderstood that pelvic floor = Kegel exercises. However, this is not always true. In fact, if performed without indication, it may increase the symptoms! Here’s why! Pelvic floor muscles have certain muscle dynamic properties like resting tone of the muscle, strength and endurance. These properties can be affected due to various reasons […]

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Pelvic Floor Rehab 101

How do you know if you have pelvic floor dysfunction? Are you experiencing urinary leakage when you cough, sneeze, laugh, run or jump? This is called ‘stress incontinence, which affects 4 in 10 women and 1 in 10 men.  Are you having pain in your buttock areas and difficulty initiating bowel/bladder movements?  Do you experience […]

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What is Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis is the muscle situated in the buttocks and helps to move thighs side to side. Spasm of the piriformis muscle causes pain in the buttocks. Sometimes it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, irritate a sciatic nerve and causes symptoms like sciatica. What is the Cause? Usually the piriformis muscle is in constant […]
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What are Vestibular Disorders and Vertigo?

The vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and Brain that control balance and eye movements. If the system is damaged by disease, aging or injury, a vestibular disorder can result. There are some crystals in our inner ear which senses the position of head and maintain balance. These crystals gets misplaced and send […]
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Hamstring Injury

Hamstring is a group of muscles located on the back of the thigh. It runs from your buttock to knee. The main action of this muscle group is: to allow the knee to bend and extend your thigh. These movement play a crucial role in daily activities such as walking, running, jumping and controlling many […]
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TMJ Dysfunction

Love to eat these? But jaw pain is stopping you? That could be a sign of Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction. How it works? The temporo-Mandibular joint consists of a Mandible(jaw bone) and Maxilla(Skull bone),which is present on either side of the face. Jaw carries out functions like biting, chewing, swallowing, opening and closing the mouth, speaking […]
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Back Pain & Sciatica

Overview Sooner or later, almost everyone will hear the term “sciatica” or “sciatic nerve pain” and will learn that somehow these terms relate to back pain. However, not all back issues can be categorized as sciatic nerve pain. It is very important for anyone experiencing back pain to receive a proper diagnosis in order to […]
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Running can reduce your chances of sudden death by 27%

So, why not start Today? Want to run safely by preventing running related injuries? As a physiotherapist and a runner myself, my number one tip to anyone who is starting to run or already a runner is education. Read, listen and learn. The best person to train you is yourself but join a club, find […]
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