The vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and Brain that control balance and eye movements. If the system is damaged by disease, aging or injury, a vestibular disorder can result.
There are some crystals in our inner ear which senses the position of head and maintain balance. These crystals gets misplaced and send false sense of movement to brain, which causes VERTIGO
Symptoms of vestibular disorders may be frightening and difficult to describe. Common symptoms include:
- Vertigo and Dizziness with specific head movements
Vertigo is a spinning or whirling sensation or an illusion of self or the world moving. Dizziness is a light headed, floating or rocking sensation.
- Imbalance
- Nausea
- Stiff Neck
- Anxiety/Depression
- Visual Disturbance
- Fullness in the ear
What can you do?
Vestibular disorders can be challenging to diagnose and their effects are frequently misinterpreted by others as personal flaws istead of genuine health problems. The more you inform yourself about your disorder, the better equipped you will be to manage your symptoms and communicate effectively about your needs with family, friends and health professionals.
Role of Physiotherapy:
A Physiotherapist will assess you and find out the exact cause of vertigo and which inner ear semicircular cannal is effected.
Perform appropriate maneuver to reposition the crystals which are causing the vertigo.
- CRP Maneuver
- SEMONT Maneuver
- Mod SEMONT Maneuver
- BBQ Roll Maneuver
- Kurtz Hybrid Maneuver
- Casani Maneuver
- Gufoni Maneuver
Vestibular rehabilitation to prevent reccurance and to improve the balance and other symptoms caused by vertigo.
Education to specific disorders and issues related to diagnosis, testing, treatment and coping