Your Local Hand Therapy & Hand Physiotherapy Experts

What is Hand Therapy?

Hand therapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that focuses on the rehabilitation and recovery of hand and upper extremity conditions, including post-operative care. Following hand surgery, whether for fractures, tendon repairs, nerve injuries, or joint replacements, hand therapy plays a crucial role in maximizing healing, restoring function, and regaining independence.

What Kind of Treatment Can You Expect?

Our expert hand therapists provide comprehensive and personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and surgical procedure. Here's what you can expect during your hand therapy journey:

  1. Evaluation and Assessment: Our skilled hand therapists will conduct a thorough evaluation to assess your condition, surgical outcome, and functional goals. This evaluation will guide the development of a customized treatment plan.
  2. Pain Management: We understand that post-operative pain can hinder your recovery. Our hand therapists will employ various techniques, such as manual therapy, modalities, and therapeutic exercises, to manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  3. Wound Care and Scar Management: Proper wound care is crucial for optimal healing. Our hand therapists will monitor your incision site, provide guidance on dressing changes, and implement scar management techniques to minimize scar tissue formation and improve scar mobility.
  4. Range of Motion Exercises: To restore joint mobility and prevent stiffness, our hand therapists will guide you through a series of range of motion exercises. These exercises will gradually increase the flexibility and movement of your hand and fingers.
  5. Strengthening and Conditioning: As you progress, we will introduce specific hand and finger exercises to strengthen the muscles and improve overall hand function. This will enable you to regain grip strength, dexterity, and fine motor skills necessary for daily activities.
  6. Customized Splinting: Depending on your surgical procedure and recovery goals, our hand therapists may provide custom splints or orthotics. These devices provide support, protect healing structures, and promote proper alignment during the healing process.
  7. Functional Activities and Return to Work: Throughout your therapy, we will gradually incorporate functional activities tailored to your lifestyle and work requirements. We will help you regain the skills and confidence needed to perform daily tasks and return to work safely.
  8. Education and Home Program: To empower your recovery, our hand therapists will educate you on self-care techniques, ergonomic principles, and injury prevention strategies. Additionally, you will receive a personalized home exercise program to continue your progress between therapy sessions.

What conditions can it treat?

  1. Fractures and Dislocations
  2. Tendon Injuries and Repairs
  3. Nerve Injuries
  4. Arthritis and Joint Disorders
  5. Dupuytren's Contracture
  6. Repetitive Strain Injuries
  7. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
  8. Hand Trauma and Amputations


When is hand therapy needed after a surgical procedure?

Hand therapy is often recommended post-operatively to aid in recovery, improve range of motion, manage pain, reduce swelling, and restore strength and function to the hand and upper limb.

Who can benefit from hand therapy after hand surgery?

Anyone who has undergone hand surgery, such as tendon repairs, joint replacements, fractures, or nerve repair, can benefit from hand therapy to optimize the healing process and regain functional use.

What techniques are used in hand therapy?

Hand therapy techniques may include exercises, manual therapy, splinting, scar management, modalities like ultrasound or electrical stimulation, and patient education to facilitate recovery.

How soon after surgery should hand therapy begin?

Hand therapy can start as early as a few days after surgery, depending on the type of procedure performed. Your surgeon and hand therapist will determine the appropriate timing.

How long does hand therapy after surgery typically last?

The duration of hand therapy varies based on the surgical procedure, individual progress, and goals. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

Will I receive a custom splint?

Your hand therapist may design a custom splint to protect and support your hand during the healing process. Splints are tailored to your needs and can aid in maintaining proper positioning.

Can hand therapy prevent complications like stiffness after surgery?

Yes, hand therapy aims to prevent complications such as stiffness, scar tissue adhesions, and loss of range of motion. Therapists use specific techniques to promote joint mobility and tissue healing.

What exercises will I do during hand therapy?

Hand therapy exercises may include gentle range-of-motion exercises, strengthening exercises, grip and pinch exercises, and functional tasks to restore hand dexterity and coordination.

How can I ensure the best outcomes from hand therapy after surgery?

Consistency and open communication are key. Attend your hand therapy sessions as recommended, follow your therapist's instructions, and communicate any concerns or changes in your progress.

Schedule your Your Local Hand Therapy & Hand Physiotherapy Experts appointment with us now!