Custom Orthotics

What are they?

Custom orthotics are specially designed shoe inserts that provide arch support and cushioning to help relieve foot pain, improve foot alignment, and reduce stress on the feet. They are made to fit an individual's specific foot shape and size, providing better support than generic over-the-counter insoles.

How do they help?

The foot and ankle are the foundation for the overall posture of the skeletal body. Abnormal foot mechanics cause stresses that can lead to numerous foot problems as well as leg, knee, hip and lower back pain. The arches of our feet are under constant strain, and are susceptible to imbalances and injuries.

Custom orthotics are specifically designed insoles to correct your foot imbalance. By bringing your feet into proper alignment, they also affect the alignment in your knees, hips, pelvis and lower back. They provide support, control, stability, absorb shock, and relieve pressure on uncomfortable or sore areas. They reduce pain and discomfort, as well as rebalancing your feet during activity.

What conditions do they help with?

Custom orthotics can help with a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, heel pain, arch pain, bunions, neuromas, and arthritis. They can also help improve balance, reduce fatigue, and relieve pressure on the joints.


How are they made?

Custom orthotics are made after a detailed assessment of your gait, running mechanics (if you are a runner) and foot position. Orthotics are only manufactured after a podiatrist has conducted a complete evaluation of your feet, ankles, and legs, so the orthotic can accommodate your unique foot structure and pathology.

Will insurance cover my orthotics?

Custom Orthotics are covered by most insurance plans. Some plans may require a physician requisition. Please check with your insurance provider or speak with a physiotherapist for more information.

Where are my orthotics made?

We are pleased to be linked with The Orthotic Group, Canada. They are well regarded for manufacturing the highest quality orthotics.

Can I transfer my custom orthotics between different pairs of shoes?

Yes, custom orthotics can be moved between shoes, making them a versatile and cost-effective solution. However, keep in mind that certain shoes may offer a more tailored fit for the orthotics, leading to better comfort and support.

Can I use custom orthotics if I participate in sports or physical activities?

Absolutely! Custom orthotics can enhance foot stability and alignment, making them beneficial for athletes and individuals engaging in physical activities. They can help improve performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and alleviate stress on the feet.

Are custom orthotics comfortable to wear?

Yes, custom orthotics are designed to provide comfort and support for your feet. While there may be an adjustment period, most people find them comfortable and appreciate the benefits they offer in terms of reduced foot pain and improved foot function.

Will custom orthotics fit in all types of shoes?

Yes, custom orthotics can be designed to fit in various shoe styles, including athletic shoes, dress shoes, and casual footwear. They are discreet and can easily be transferred between different pairs of shoes.

How long do custom orthotics last?

The lifespan of custom orthotics depends on factors such as usage, weight, and the materials used. On average, they can last anywhere from one to five years. It's essential to have them checked regularly and replaced when necessary to maintain their effectiveness.

Schedule your Custom Orthotics appointment with us now!